Zone Change in Maharashtra: Then why are we spending time and money in preparing Plans??
Many years ago, I had read an article in a book called Readings on Planning Theory by Scott Campbell and Susan Fainstein (, which made an argument that ad hoc, incremental planning is a valid "planning theory", as this is exactly what governments end up doing, even after they have spent extraordinary amounts of time, money and efforts on preparing master or comprehensive development plans. The article stated that ad hocism (if that is even a word?) is a part and parcel of government working! Well, this is certainly true of Maharashtra Urban Development Department. I just happened to read the Government Regulation (GR) TPS-1815/49/15/13 dated 11 June 2015. which has formally and procedurally inserted 'Zone Change' as a very routine process that land owners/developers can apply to change the designated Zone allocated to the land in the Master Plan (Regional Plan). The whole basis of ...