
Showing posts from November, 2012

Pune Bus Day: A Success ?

For days leading up to the Pune Bus Day, proposed on 1 November 2012 and even a few days after, I was grappling with the whole question of "what's really the purpose and what is its effectiveness?" I heard many arguments, almost all of them, against the concept of a Bus Day in Pune. Most argued that it was more about advertisement by Sakal Times. Most also spoke about 'what will be achieved in a day?'. Some even when to the extreme of suggesting that it is a way to fool us common citizens into believing that Puneites can suddenly shift to using Public Transport, thereby clearing up roads for others. From my own perspective, initially I was non committal. It looked and seemed like a good initiative, full of enthusiasm and 'feel good' factor. Citizens across Pune poured in wishes and money for the cause and thereby gave a general feeling of 'oneness' amongst Pune citizenry and a collective voice that seemed to suggest that Pune really needs...